Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Requiring an online experience?

This is Harriet again from the Guidance Office and Support Team. I have been hearing of states requiring students to have an online experience (not necessarily a class) before graduation. What do you think about this? If you look at statistics for the number of online courses being offered by colleges, both technical as well as four year institutions, I'd say it would be an advantage for everyone to become familiar with online learning!! What would you put in an intro to online course???

1 comment:

  1. This is Karen from the Instructional Team and also an on-line teacher.

    Yes, several states are requiring students to complete 1 or 2 online courses before they are awarded their HS diploma - Michigan is one of them. I agree with this since a great many college courses have an online component to them. Why not already be technically savvy and well-adjusted to on-line delivery so you can concentrate on the course content? Having been a face-to-face classroom teacher for twenty years, I added an online component to my class just to give students the feel of doing something online. Even if you require students to use a homework submission tool, on-line quizzing tool or a discussion board, this can be an advantage for them later on.
