Monday, March 2, 2009

Virtual learning - will it be the end of teachers? This is Harriet, Counselor and member of the Support Team. I hear this periodically from people who don't have any substantial experience with online learning. My personal answer is that of course not!! It will present a whole new career path for those who are interested in these new tools! I am so interested in collecting the stories from our Georgia Virtual School staff ....would love to get that collection of pro's and con's of online teaching started here! This topic could take us down many paths....let's hear from everyone!


  1. On-line teaching just moves teachers from being the "sage on the stage" as we used to be called to the facilitator that we are supposed to be. I have taught face-to-face for 20 years and on-line for five years. The same students that need you in the FTF classroom need you in the virtual classroom. Just as there are the self-sufficient students in the FTF classroom, there will be the self-sufficient students virtually.

    Pros: the obvious - 24/7 access for the student and the teacher; self-pacing for the student; more individualized feedback for the student on-line; ever increasing availability of web tools to make the courses more interesting
    Cons: you don't have the advantage of reading body language; sometimes you just want to be in the same room with students =); integrity issues are harder to deal with
    ~Karen, Instructional Team

  2. Greetings! My name is Jane O'Brien, and I am the English Department Chair and an instructor with GAVS. I share Karen's sentiments concerning the advantages and disadvantages of the online classroom.

    As an English instructor, I pride myself on the evaluation and effective use of the written word. Funny enough, in the virtual classroom, we rely fundamentally on the written word, and that can sometimes be a daunting task -- especially at the beginning of the semester.

    I do find that once the semester commences, and my students and I begin interacting daily through discussion forums, Elluminate chats and lessons, and general phone and email contact, I obtain greater insight into their personalities, interests, and objectives. It is amazing what one can learn from another through written words and use of certain forms of punctuation.

    I love it, and I find each day brings a new manner of truly relating to my students.

  3. Hi - ran across this article today which gives great insight into how virtual learning tools (Skype featured) can bridge the educational gap between different socioeconomic groups.
    ~Karen, GAVS Manager of Instruction
